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battery 300x225 5 Ways to Increase battery life of Smartphone
The main problem that facing by Smartphone users is its Battery Life. If you are a Power user your smart phone’s battery life is not large for you during a journey. You want plug your smart phone.But,In this Post. Iam saying some tips to save battery life and enjoy with your smartphone long time. I’m listing the 5 ways to Increase battery life of Smartphones or Tablet.
1.Display is the most battery reducing thing in your smartphone. So You want to decrease the brightness of the screen to Increase battery life.Set the brightness to 25-50 for more battery life.
2.Switch off WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, 3G when not using these.
3.Uninstall the useless applications in your smartphone.
4.Use the android application named ‘Battery Doctor’ for know the battery usage of an application in your smartphone.